Media Moment: Analysis & Insights

At Media Moment, we enjoy covering the business of social and streaming platforms from a UK perspective. (So many Google searches end up on a US-based publication which isn’t always relevant)

Our goal and mission is to help you be smarter around new media. We cut through the noise and make it easier for you to identify key insights and trends.

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COVID-19, Television Jack Shillito COVID-19, Television Jack Shillito

Lights, Corona, Action: How the Pandemic Affected Film and TV Production

No doubt the past year has been a challenging one for the UK entertainment industry. 2020 got off to a strong start, with the industry heading towards a record spend of £1.08 billion in the first quarter, but then the pandemic resulted a 21% decline from the year before. Fortunately, though, the last quarter of 2020 had the second highest three month spend on record.

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